Wednesday, May 28, 2014

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God Bless America?

          The Book of Jeremiah is a tough one to get through the first time.  Once having read it, I was left with the feeling, “Okay God, that was rough.  I’m glad that’s done and over with.”  No wonder Jeremiah was called the weeping prophet.  Can you imagine having to be the one to live his life and have his job?  He was constantly being called to prophesy to God’s people, not to unbelievers, the ones who should have known Him well.  He was directed by the power of the Holy Spirit to tell them the word of the Lord saying, “Thus saith the Lord.”  Time and again, he told the people what God expected of them.  More often than not, they would respond by doing just the opposite, as if God was a stranger and unknown to them.  You would think that, after being brought out of Egypt, being delivered from persecution and slavery, the Lord going before them preparing the way and delivering them from the hands of the enemy time and time again, that just maybe they might have gotten the message to listen and obey Him for their own good.  Israelites were a ‘special’ people, set apart by God, the Father of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  He was their God, and they were His people.  He had sent His word to them by His prophets to guard, direct, and put a hedge of protection around them, IF they would only listen to and obey Him.  That sounds like a pretty good deal doesn’t it?  God isn’t like some fickle kind of governing body that promises you something one minute and takes it back the next.  Once He had made a promise or a commitment, it was signed, sealed, and delivered without any chance of being changed or revoked.  He promised them- if you obey, I will bless you; if you disobey, I will curse you.  Obedience would enable them to live at peace in the land; disobedience would bring God’s judgment.  It seems pretty forthright and reasonable.  Yet, being a stiff necked and rebellious people (as is all of mankind), they would choose, time and time again, to turn their backs on the one true God, who knew and always wanted nothing but the best for them. They would start cheating on Him, going after false gods and insisting on going their own way.  I mean to tell you, they had to be the most ignorant, stupid, rebellious, and arrogant people ever to have the nerve to walk away from the One who had loved them first and for always.  Oops, I forgot, that doesn’t just apply to them, but to all of mankind, doesn’t it?   Nations that choose to follow the Lord have the opportunity to live in peace.  It’s our choice to either obey and receive his blessings, or disobey and suffer His judgment.  Why is that so hard for us to understand and grasp?  Does He really ask too much of us?

          As a mortal and imperfect parent, I know that if I give birth to a child, it requires a commitment on my part to provide food, clothing, shelter, discipline, love, guidance, counsel, protection from harm, and hopefully to do my best to raise him up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, just to name a few of the basics.  If I truly love my child, I must do all that I can to see that he is taught and learns to live within certain boundaries and guidelines, to enable him to prosper and grow to be a healthy and productive person.  It should be my goal to equip him with knowledge and skills that would eventually give him the ability to step out and live successfully on his own.  While he lives under my care and authority, I should teach him to ‘fear’ me, which is to obey me, respect me and acknowledge me as his parent who has the right to have authority over him until he is grown. For things to go well for him, it is imperative that he learns to submit his will to mine, not insisting on having or going his own way.  If he is rebellious to my authority, then I should do what it takes as a parent to bring judgment down upon him in order to curb his rebellious ways, which can only bring harm to him. Judgment is meant to be for his good, not his harm.  The purpose of judgment is to help him see the error of his ways, and direct him that he may choose not to stay on the wrong path, but turn around and away from his rebelliousness, and get back on the right path. Hopefully, as he grows and matures, he will come to understand that obedience, and staying within the limits and boundaries that have been set forth by love, is for his own protection and good.  Eventually, he should no longer need my authority, but will choose to be self disciplined to follow the tried and true guidelines that have now become a part of his own nature.  Hopefully, all of this will have been done through the overall guidance of the Lord our God.  This is an example that we can understand even from the perspective of our imperfect ability to parent out children whom we love.

          If we can understand the reasonableness of this parent/child relationship, why is it so hard for us to understand the importance of the fear of the Lord in shaping our own lives?  Why do we choose to look on the word of God as a bunch of tyrannical rules and regulations, do’s and don’ts, instead of as the Owner’s [God’s] manual which demonstrate God’s love for us?  He has provided a plan book for His authority over us, giving us a set of instructions and corrections to follow whereby we can live, and He will keep us from harm in a dangerous world that is going to have lots of challenges- “trials and tribulations.”  Along with this book of instructions, He gives to each believer his very own special tutor, the Holy Spirit, to teach, guide, correct, and open the eyes of our understanding.  You see God’s plan book, the Bible, is not like any other book. It is not just words to be understood through the use of man’s intellect alone.  This word is of the Spirit so it can only be understood by the spirit of man through man’s dependence upon the Holy Spirit to teach him. It’s a mutual cooperation thing – man’s intellect and born again spirit yielded and submitted to the will of God and led by the Holy Spirit.  For this relationship to work properly, we must desire to seek the Lord. When we actively seek Him, He has promised that we will find Him.  Remember, the Holy Spirit is God in you.  The Holy Spirit has many jobs.  He is your Comforter for one thing, and He is the Peace of God within you, not as the world gives, but the “peace that passes understanding.”  Being your teacher is one of His most important jobs.  Along with the Holy Spirit, God has also sent teacher’s aides such as pastors, teachers, and other Holy Spirit filled believers who He has equipped with special gifts to teach and preach, etc.  But take a word of caution here.  You and I must never depend entirely upon these special teacher’s aids, for sometimes they can prove to be false teachers, not adhering to the true word of God.  That’s why God’s plan book warns us to test the spirits, be not deceived, and never neglect our own responsibility to “study [the word] to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”(II Tim. 2:15)  We can not delegate our responsibility to study and learn of the Lord for ourselves.  Otherwise, we can expect an “open mind” to be one that is an open sepulcher, ready to receive any and all trash which is able to contaminate the roots of the true Word, chocking it and keeping it from forming healthy permanent roots that would eventually enable the tree to blossom and produce good fruit.

          What has all of this got to do with God blessing America?  For us to be well equipped to be good American citizens, it is of utmost importance that we commit our lives to the authority of the Lord first.  A democratic republic can exist and prosper only as long as the citizenry are willing to be schooled and led by the Lord.  One of the most important principles to follow for all believing citizens is to vote for and elect those who believe in the Lord and hopefully follow the principles of His word.  Oh yes, I know that is not the popular thought of the present day secular world, but that is exactly the root and cause of the downward spiral of America.  The Declaration of Independence states the unique influence of the ‘Laws of Nature and Nature’s own God” are to have as a basic foundation for a nation to be free of tyranny from without or within.  Let us turn to statements made by just three of our former presidents to exemplify the importance they believed God and the Bible held if our democratic republic was to continue to exist and prosper:  “It is impossible to rightly govern without God and the Bible.”- George Washington;

“So great is my veneration for the Bible that the earlier my children begin to read it the more confident will be my hope that they will prove useful citizens of their country and respectable members of society.”- John Quincy Adams; “That book, sir is the rock on which our republic rests.”- Andrew Jackson; “It is the duty of nations as well as men to recognize the truth announced in Holy Scripture and proven by all history that those nations only are blessed whose God is the Lord.”-

Abraham Lincoln.  The Bible itself supports the validity of this belief. “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people He has chosen for His inheritance.” (Psalm 33:12)  These are but a few remarks that have pointed out the necessity for endeavoring to elect believers to serve in positions of power and authority within our government.  Yet, in today’s atmosphere of political correctness that promotes a greater and greater degree of marginalization for Christ and the Bible, we have become increasingly secularized as a nation, choosing to forget God and His statutes and commandments.  We have chosen to turn our backs on God, dispensing with His book of instructions and corrections, and following manmade rules and laws that have less and less to do with God and His ways.            

          How can we, in all honesty, have the arrogance and audacity to ask God to bless our country?  Have we truly turned our hearts to Him to listen to Him, obey Him, and worship Him? No, for we have become a nation of spoiled rotten brats, with our greedy hands outstretched as we shout with snarling and ungrateful voices, "Give me; I want; I need; I have to have!" Always expecting our Father to dole out to us, while we refuse to listen, obey and fear (respect) Him? We grab from Him and return not one ounce of praise, respect, worship or obedience that is rightfully due Him.  Instead, we take and give no thanks back in word or deed.  We choose to act as if He owes us allegiance instead of just the opposite.  Then, when He turns His back and a deaf ear to us, do we come to our knees and humble ourselves before Him, and sincerely ask His forgiveness, and truly show by our actions (and not just empty words) that we have made a commitment to Him and changed our ways? Oh, far be it!  In continued rebellion, we stomp away with a scowl on our face, and shout, if not literally in words then by the hardness of our heart, "Forget you God! I’m doing just fine without you?"  And then, while all is falling apart around us and families are full of self centered loud voices, somehow we stand in amazement, scratch our heads, and ask "How can a loving God allow this to happen?"  If we refuse to recognize and acknowledge our sinfulness, how can we expect to see His hand which is still outstretched towards us in mercy and grace?  We bring our own destruction down upon ourselves. Don't blame God! Who is to blame? Look in the mirror. There's no one there but you and me.        

          The society that is involved in the practice of marginalizing and editing the Word of God, will be one that becomes increasingly secularized until, eventually, it forgets God altogether and becomes increasingly wicked and lawless.  At one time, the phrase, "In God we trust" meant something to most Americans. However, in recent years, it has had little or no meaning and there are many who would have it erased entirely.  Remove belief and trust in the one true God and, by doing so, we remove God's hedge of protection around our nation, making us increasingly subject to judgment from The Lord. If we choose to be obedient, then we will receive God’s favor and blessings.  If we choose to ignore and disobey Him, we have brought His judgment upon ourselves. Do we not understand that it is our own choices that bring ruin and destruction upon ourselves?  It is not God's desire for us, for He desires only that which is for our good.  We will suffer the consequences of our own actions as individuals and as a nation.  Only repentance and the choice to turn our heart back to God can save us from the consequences of choosing to be a disobedient, stiff necked and rebellious people. Apart from God, America is doomed to become the victim of our own selfish, self centered, and prideful sinful nature, thereby unleashing total decadence and destruction upon ourselves.  “For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching.  They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear.”(II Tim, 4:3)

          Our churches today are filled with hypocrisy- we give the appearance of religion without any personal commitment to The Lord.  Does this description fit you and me?   If so, how and where do we begin to change it?  I have an idea, let each of us start with the one person we can change. Who is that?  You start with you, and I will start with me!  America is not going to turn back to the Lord until or unless we, who are believers, turn our heart and life back to a true commitment to obey the Lord and follow His ways.  

          As I read Jeremiah, I hear the voice of God continually beckoning to His people, urging them to turn back to Him before they completely destroy themselves as individuals and as a nation.  For me, it paints a picture of what is happening to our nation today.  It’s like reading a present day newspaper, with one difference, this newspaper, the Bible, tells only truth and not lies and deception. For those who have “ears to hear,” let us listen to these words of the Lord.  Jeremiah is speaking these words to us with as much reality, truth and relevance as he did to the Israelites in ancient times, proving that God and His word are the same yesterday, today, and forever.  His truth is established in Heaven.

          For purposes of exhibiting relevance to us, believers of today and our own country, I take the liberty of inserting the name of our country from time to time in some scriptures to come.  Even before the events of 9/11/01, but especially since then, if anyone has even a smidgen of spiritual discernment within them, we have been witnesses of a steady decline and degradation of our country.  It has little to do with political parties, but everything to do with turning away from God.  “And it shall come to pass, when ye shall say, Wherefore doeth the Lord our God all these things unto us?  Then shalt thou answer them, Like as ye have forsaken me, and served strange gods in your land, so shall ye serve strangers in a land that is not yours.” (Jer. 5: 19)  “But this people [America] hath a revolting heart; they are revolted and gone.  Neither say they in their heart, Let us now fear the Lord our God, that giveth rain, both the former and the latter, in his season: he reserveth unto us the appointed weeks of the harvest.  Your iniquities [America] have turned away these things, and your sins have withholden good things from you.” (Jer. 5: 23 – 25)  “Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.  But they [America] said, We will not walk therein.  Also I set a watchman over you, saying, hearken to the sound of the trumpet.  But they said, We will not hearken.  Therefore, hear, ye nations, and know, O congregation, what is among them.  Hear O earth [America]: behold, I will bring evil upon this people, even the fruit of their thoughts, because they have not hearkened unto my words, nor to my law, but rejected it.” (Jer. 6: 16 – 19)  You see, the Israelites were going after every strange god while at the same time putting on the façade that they were still coming into His presence to worship and follow Him.  Sounds pretty familiar to us these days doesn’t it?  We may go to church on Sunday only to go out and live like the devil for the rest of the week.  Even so, God’s hand was and is still outstretched to them and to us.  God is very tolerant, but He will not be tolerant of our infidelity unto Him; He will not share our faith and loyalty to Him with other gods.  Would you willingly share your husband with a bunch of other women?  Nevertheless, never willing for any of us to perish, God continues to persevere to call us back to Himself and His ways.  Thus saith the Lord:  "If ye thoroughly mend your ways and your doings; if ye thoroughly execute judgment between thee and thy neighbor; if ye oppress not the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow, and shed not innocent blood in this place, neither walk after other gods to your hurt: then will I cause you to dwell in this place, in the land that I have given to your fathers, for ever and ever."(Jer. 7: 5-7)

          America is no different from any other peoples that have existed in the past.

Sexual and every other form of immorality and sin have always been present within our society.  It is not just the existence of sin that destroys us, rather it is when sin is exalted and even celebrated as being good and right, especially from within the church itself, that we are walking in full force away from God and into the arms of the enemy.  Look at just some of the perversion, that which is contrary to the word of God, that we are welcoming into our churches and giving it the stamp of approval: same sex marriage, homosexual preachers and leaders, living together outside the bonds of marriage, even the shedding of innocent blood (abortion on demand), and distortion and perversions of the word of God.  False teaching is allowed to run wild without any checks upon it.  These are but a few infractions against the will of God and are not an exhaustive list by any means.   

          Still, God does not give up on us, but continues to reach out to call us back to Him and away from the point of no return.  For those who have ears to hear, hear this:  “but this thing commanded I them saying, Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and ye shall be my people:  and walk ye in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well unto you.  But they hearkened not, nor inclined their ear, but walked in the counsels and in the imagination of their evil heart, and went backward, and not forward.  Since the day that your fathers came forth out of the land of Egypt unto this day I have even sent unto you all my servants the prophets, daily rising up early and sending them; yet they hearkened not unto me, nor inclined their ear, but hardened their neck: they did worse than their fathers.” (Jer. 7: 23 – 26)  “Therefore thou shalt speak all these words unto them; but they will not hearken to thee: thou shalt call also unto them, but they will not answer thee.  But thou shalt say unto them, This is a nation that obeyeth not the Lord their God, nor receiveth correction: truth is perished, and is cut off from their mouth.” (Jer. 7: 27, 28)  America, hearken unto the word of the Lord and be not a stiff necked people who will not mend your ways.    

          You may say, but this was written to Israel.  We, believers in the Lord, are responsible for our obedience or disobedience unto the Lord, just as they were.

We are the same as adopted Jews for we have been grafted in by the blood of the Lamb of God.  Our faith is in Jesus Christ who came in the flesh through King David of the Jewish line of heritage.  If they received either blessings or cursings in their response unto the Lord, the same principles apply to us.

          Did you take note of the fact that every time Jeremiah was told to go tell the people the word of the Lord, he was also told that they would neither listen nor obey.  How that must have saddened Jeremiah’s heart, to know in advance that God’s own people were going to reject His word to them, and bring down

judgment upon themselves.  Remember the word of the Lord was brought to God’s own special people, not unbelievers who would know nothing of all the marvelous works of the one true God.   It must have been so very hard for Jeremiah, and yet he did not stop or let his voice be silenced, for it was not his job to please the people or be intimidated by their unwillingness to listen and obey.  It was not his job to consider whether what he was told to speak was going to be welcomed, accepted, or fit in with the popular beliefs of the day.  Jeremiah was successful, not because anyone gave up their own way to follow after God, but because, regardless of the response of the people, he remained obedient unto the voice of the Lord.

          I ask then, where is the voice of the church, you and I, in standing up and speaking forth the word of the Lord in thought, word, and deed?  Every time an ungodly law is passed, where have we seen or heard a strong pushback against it from our pastors, leaders, or we the people, the body of Christ?  Instead, we have allowed our voice to be silenced by manipulation and intimidation.  We have not complied with the word of God that commands; “Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand the evil day, and having done all, to stand.”(Eph. 6: 13)  Where are the Jeremiahs of today who are willing to take a stand on the word of God and pushback against the evil of today that is expanding by leaps and bounds in America?  We loose ground day by day as we become less and less of a beacon of the light of the Lord to shine into a world that is growing darker and darker?  Instead, each of us is guilty of being willing to sit on the sidelines while we wait for someone else to take up the standard.  God’s army in America today has become so silent and weak that we have become, for the most part, practically invisible, having little or no affect upon the nation at large.  In our state of apathy and lethargy, we continue to scratch our heads and twiddle our thumbs while the walls of peace and freedom in the Lord are crumbling all around us.  We continually hear the statement, “And may God bless America;” when we should be saying, and acting upon by thought, word, and deed, “May America be a blessing unto God!” Let the army of God arise that, with God’s help, we may turn back the tides of evil that are quickly overtaking us; and let it begin with me!   


“And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.  And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:” (Deut. 6: 5)


One Little Candle

It is better to light just one little candle,
Than to stumble in the dark!
Better far that you light just one little candle,
All you need's a tiny spark!

If we'd all say a prayer that the world would be free,
The wonderful dawn of a new day we'll see!
And, if everyone lit just one little candle,
What a bright world this would be!

Let's all light one little candle,
Why stumble on in the dark?
When the day is dark an' dreary,
And your way is hard to find,
Don't let your heart be weary,
Just keep this thought in mind!

It is better to light just one little candle,
Than to stumble in the dark!
Better far that you light just one little candle,
All you need's a tiny spark!

If we'd all say a prayer that the world would be free,
The wonderful dawn of a new day we'll see!
And, if everyone lit just one little candle,
What a bright world this would be!

Music by George Mysels
with Lyrics by Joseph Maloy Roach, Published 1952)


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